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刘家彬, 郭正兴, 夏  虎
Construction Technique for Integral Lifting of Wide-Span Connected Steel Truss
LIU Jia-bin, GUO Zheng-xing, XIA Hu
School of Civil Engineering, Southeast University, 210096, Nanjing, China
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摘要 南京六合金融大厦连体钢桁架跨度32 m,总重约300 t,为缩短工期、降低成本,工程按“地面拼装、整体提升”的思路,采用液压整体提升施工技术安装连体钢桁架。通过将钢桁架整体提升部分长度,对桁架端部进行整体加固处理;分析在提升点间存在不同步的情况下,桁架应力与位移的变化情况;总结5个同步性控制措施的方法,分别解决了在正式提升时桁架总重过大而引起的界面承载力过大,提升过程中桁架挠度过大与人工控制时提升点间不同步的难题。实践表明,整体提升施工技术安全、经济、高效,是同类结构施工的理想方法。
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关键词整体提升   连体钢桁架   同步控制     
Abstract: The connected steel truss of Nanjing Liuhe Financial Building has a span of 32m and a gross weight of nearly 300t. To shorten the construction period and reduce construction cost, integral hydraulic lifting technique was adopted to install the connected steel truss based on the concept of "ground assembly and integral lifting" The steel truss was lifted as a whole upto a certain length, the truss ends were strengthened; variation of truss stress and displacement was analyzed with consideration of the nonsynchronous conditions among lifting points; five synchronization control measures were proposed to solve various lifting difficulties, such as excessive interface load and truss deflection caused by huge gross weight of truss during lifting and nonsynchronous phenomenon among lifting points under manual control. It was proved that integral lifting technique was an ideal method for similar structure construction due to its safe, economic and effective characteristics.
Key wordsintegral lifting   connected steel truss   synchronization control   
刘家彬,郭正兴,夏虎. 大跨连体钢桁架整体提升施工技术[J]. 建筑技术, 2017, 48(2): 126-.
LIU Jia-bin,GUO Zheng-xing,XIA Hu. Construction Technique for Integral Lifting of Wide-Span Connected Steel Truss[J]. Architecture Technology, 2017, 48(2): 126-.
http://www.jzjs.com/CN/     或     http://www.jzjs.com/CN/Y2017/V48/I2/126
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